January 30, 2013

hair icons + my hair adventures

 laura of ascot friday is my new...everything icon - style, hair, life, job...this gal's got it goin' on. i know i've been talking about her a lot on the blog lately, but seriously she's awesome. go get lost in her blog for a few hours & then come back & try to tell me otherwise.

that was a dare.

brandi & kelly of mucho mucho bueno bueno, the epitome of the perfect ombre. these are two more gals who are just [again] overall everything icons for me. they have the best style, they seem like the raddest girls with huge personalities, are always going on adventures & i want to drink beer & dance with them, ok? 

this one is going to be a big ol' DUH, because she is everyone's hair icon, julie of orchid grey obviously has the most envious hair in all the [blog] land. so thick & blonde & beachy...the best.

sandi...oh sandi, one of the sweetest bloggers around. she's got the cutest kiddos, awesome style & head full of amazing candy coloured hair which is always changing! she has the prettiest natural waves which make me want to chop off all my hair...except my hair wouldn't look like that, so i won't.

stephanie of take hart has the prettiest bright red locks i ever did see. she makes me miss my fire engine red hair oh-so much!

most of you probably know me as dark haired (dark brown-black) as my hair has been pretty much the same for the past 2 1/2 years but before i found this colour, i dabbled in a little bit of everything:

i was red for probably 5 or 6 years, going between ginger to fire engine red to dark burgundy...red was definitely my favourite. and actually this photo made me realize that my hair [when short] is actually so very curly, i kind of forgot.

confession: i started dying my hair red because i *want* to be ariel...truth.

come to think of it, this also ties in with me growing my hair...mermaid hair y'all! 

omg imagine if my hair was red AND long? uh oh...new dream.

i have also been really really blonde back in 2007? i think this was when i was 20-21:

that was fun...blondes do have a lot of fun. i liked this but bleaching kills your hair, not good for hair growth.

this happened not too long ago...maybe 8 months or so. i really liked it, but again because it was stripping my hair of the black it really killed the lighter pieces. i'd love to change my hair again but black is the healthiest it's ever been & it grows so much faster & longer which i dig because i want it past my bum...kidding...sort of...not really.

ah, hair! this post got way longer than i had planned. longer...cause i'm growing my hair, get it? 

[why yes i am slightly delusional because i haven't been able to eat much in the past 3 days. don't judge me]