here in ontario, we have something called family day weekend...basically it's a made up holiday but we all get it off from work and/or school and that's all that matters right? mikey & i headed up to my parents place on the lake for a weekend of relaxation, yummy food, board games, drinks, walks on the lake and sleep ins ♥
heading out for our walk across the lake
ice fishing my dads ice hut!
& this is just plain funny...we were going through old artwork and journals and that from school (my mum saves everything!) and we found this that my brother had filled out..."the funniest thing i ever saw was..." and his answer "red hair" LOL
anyways, i hope that you had a lovely family day weekend (if you're in the neighbourhood) & for those who didn't get a holiday/day off today, i'm really sorry...
ps: ONE MORE DAY left to enter the BLUE BALLOON necklace here to enter!