March 28, 2009

you know what's total bullshit? mascara. i bought this one yesterday (as it was time for a new one...every three months you're supposed to replace it, didja know that?) anyway, i generally try a new one everytime. this one was a cheap ($8.99) and promised my lashes would be 60% longer and 50% question is, then what? then the other mascara that promised me that or when my eyelashes are just bare? regardless, no mascara can ACTUALLY extend your lashes by they grow when i put this on? it's silly. and us girls fall into the trap. every mascara i've come across looks the exact same (except some of course are chunkier and gloopy) ... of course we want longer, curvier, luscious kidding, but no mascara can do that. the only thing that can is falsies and i don't care for long, curvy lashes that badly to spend time putting those bad boys on everyday. i challenge anyone to correct me if i'm wrong...if there's a mascara out there that you actually LOVE and find made a significant difference to your lashes life, please let me know...i'd be more then happy to take back this observation.

alright so i know i talk about this pretty much every other post but my goodness, i am so unhappy with my hair right now, it's just at that awkward 'what the heck do i even do with you?' stage; i don't think i will ever be perfectly content with it. when i get it how i 'want it', i always want to change it. if it's long i want it short so i cut it, a couple months later i want it long again...if it's short i want it long and the only way to get it back is to wear extensions and those can be pretty annoying at times (also to match the colour is hard as mines always changing as it fades and such) ho hum...what to do, what to do. i see all these short cute hairstyles and colour and want them to be mine but i'm trying to grow it out right? ...right? and if i wanted to go back blonde or a light brown or something, i've been told numerous times by different hair dressers that my hair will get fried. well it kind of already is so who cares? ugh...i really wish i had a personal hairstylists. that's the only thing i'd really want/spend money on if i was remotely famous. i just want this hair back...

ahhh! who even is that girl?? it was so pretty. what was i thinking ever cutting it or changing the colour?? blondes DO have more least i had more fun doing my hair when it was looked good naturally wavy too. *sigh*

alright alright alright...i promise i won't complain about my hair anymore...

in this post.