October 30, 2009

hi pretties!
it's friday and i was supposed to have the full day off, three day weekend but instead i did four hours of overtime this morning and now it's time to relax!
i had lots of new blog followers/blogs to read as a result of my giveaway...which by the way, you have two & a half more days to enter...i love having new blogs to read and new inspiration! i have been feeling sooo very inspired lately, there are so many things i want to try in our new place.
( by the way, we got some good news! we're going to be moving in a week earlier than we originally expected; less than one month til we move in! )

i definitely want to do something like this with all of my fuji polaroids

how neat is this wallpaper i found on the apartment therapy. it's not something i think i would want in my place as it looks a little messy, but it's pretty neat.

these stairs are sososo pretty.

i definitely want a nice entry way set up.

oooooh, i would kill for stairs like these!

our kitchen table has two chairs already but i would like four total. i want ones like these preferably...

how pretty is this book shelf? i think this is staged, there's no way someone would have the perfect amount of books to make a rainbow, right? so pretty though.