yesterday after lianne & i had lunch we ran into some friends and made some last minute decision to head to burley falls for the day & it turned out to be so much fun!
yesterday we had some weird weather. before we went to burley falls, i was waiting for them to come and pick me up and we had a little earthquake; i've never felt anything like that before. it lasted like ten seconds but it was so bizarre...but really neat! we were on tornado watch last night as well but i don't think anything happened from that!
today the clouds were doing pretty things, no editing...
yesterday i got this sweet vintage samsonite bag, small enough that i can use it for a purse! i'm assuming it's a carry on, but isn't it amazing?? i'm in love. tonight we are going to the one year anniversary party for sympathy for the rebel which is a great vintage store downtown here run by a friend of ours. if you spent $10, you got on the guestlist for the problems there! the show is going to be SO good; birthdays boys, rikers & money money ♥!!
i also got these amazing sunnies, can't pass up good vintage shades!
(i still can't get over i have something that is hello kitty AND real diamonds; amazing!!)
went to value village today & scored some great fabrics! taking skirt orders if you like either of those two fabrics.