July 14, 2010

plans for the day include:

working on skirt orders...

finishing this book (i can't stop)
this is the second in the series.
ps: mikey & i watched the movie for the first one;
the book is SO much better! still a good movie though
& drinking tea, duh!
i got all stocked up on my matcha genmaicha from davids tea the other day...
mmmmm!! also, that is the exact mug i have (the little silver piece is an infuser) and it makes the perfect cup of tea...though of course i wish the mug was giant

meggs over at hello, this is my mind is doing a super cute giveaway! enter to win some neat stuff...as well, she also has an etsy shop that has some really great crafty & vintage finds, so check out too!

edit // plans for the day: complete...two skirts & the book - done!