( life lately )
i've been a little m.i.a from the blogosphere lately, mainly because i am trying my bestest to avoid my laptop at all costs (& the internet) and fully enjoy my summer. working two part-time jobs, i still have a fair bit of time on my hands which is great and i've been out riding my bike & spending time with friends as much as possible...after all, that's what summer is for! so i apologize for the lack of posts but don't apologize at the same time, as my real life definitely takes precedence over blogging and lately i've been having too much fun to apologize!
not the best photo of these cute boots i bought from my favourite vintage store here in town, sympathy for the rebel, but i liked the blurriness of it. they cost me a whole $13 (+ a free item as it was buy one get one free day!) love them!