i don't think it's any secret that i love hearts. i also love the colour red, so i naturally really love valentines day and valentines day 'stuff'. here are some of my recent etsy faves that are valentines day themed:

alright so i know that this is probably THEE cheesiest thing, in the entire world. but isn't it soooo freaking cute??

these doc martens are GREAT! red with tiny hearts all over them...they happen to be in my size too!

this felt heart bouquet would be a perfect flower replacement

i love how dainty this tiny heart ring is

a cowl with hearts on it? yes please!

big obnoxious rings and hearts have my heart

this pillow is adorable! i might have to DIY one like it sometime

a heart nose stud? if i wasn't so attached to the ring, i would own this

i love stacking rings and these ones are no exception!