just scored these beauties for $30 on sale at free people (my first pair of jeffrey campbells!)
they have been on my lust list for far too long, when i saw they were on super sale i couldn't say no! aren't they gorgeous?
also in love with these amazing boots from free people!
to shop free people click the link in my sponsor side bar. so much awesomeness right now - lots of great sale items too! & shipping to canada is only $8 (for us canadians who usually get charged out the wazoo for shipping)
if you've ever wanted to take one of janel's art journalling classes now is the time! all proceeds go to her adoption fund and help bring home her little girl amelia (adoption is expensive) and janel has been wanting this baby for as long as i can remember...you'd be supporting a VERY good cause!
how pretty is this little miss from the freelancer's fashion blog? i can't wait to be lounging in my bathing suit at the beach, 2 weeks today!
i love the simplicity of kathleen's at home office
this DIY from secondhand sundays is absolutely adorable
the winner of the a wild tonic giveaway is heather from hopeless notebook
please send me an email to dear.love@live.ca with your info!
i had a lovely weekend. worked friday night, went to toronto for a friends birthday saturday night which was a lot of fun but was a super late night which resulted in my sleeping all day yesterday and then studying for a test i had today (which went well!) today will be spent cleaning and putting up the posters i bought at the poster sale at my college today...so many pretty ones, i had to stop myself from buying more! i'll be sure to take photos of the ones i did pick up though...
really looking forward to this week
+ tomorrow my best friend comes into town from halifax
+ thursday mikey & i celebrate 4 years together
+ this weekend, mega fam time at the cottage!
there will be another awesome giveaway posted tomorrow - you won't want to miss it!