most of you by now know this gorgeous woman - amy from a is for ampersand the first time i saw her blog i thought 'i want to be friends with this girl' she's just really an all around good person and she's genuine...which is sometimes hard to come by. i could go on for days about how nice and fun and awesome amy is but instead you should go to her blog and see for yourself.
amy is doing a month of self love...it is a subject that is near and dear to amy's heart for reasons that she shared in her post today and i think that it should be near and dear to every females heart. self love is important. in today's society there is SO much (ie: TOO much) hate...woman (& men) spend too much time focusing on what they wish they looked like rather than enjoying their life and celebrating the person they are currently. amy has a bunch of great posts lined up for this month & if you're participating or think it's a wonderful idea, you can add the self love badge to your blog & find that here
join the revolution!