in no particular order, photos from the last week:
spent the night/day at the cottage this weekend (no filter, just beauty)
speaking of beauties, i posted this photo on instagram on mother's day, my beautiful momma
lianne came for a visit! andy loves her
went for dinner twice in the past week to mikey's mums which was lovely
the lake in the reflection of mikey's tumbleweeds
ol' stink eye hehe
found these gorgeous bushes outside our porch, lilacs are my favourite
fave snack lately
pretty bouquet from said bushes
thursday night girls night at jess' lots of giggles
my friends are the prettiest
haha this unicorn puppet i got elliott for his bday got lots of laughs that night!
shooting practice on the deck (pellet gun)
overall i've had a busy but lovely week and weekend. lot's of working but also just enough time to relax and rejuvenate! i have a 3 day work week this week then i am off to toronto for the weekend for the blog conference where i get to meet up with a bunch of people!! i absolutely cannot wait :) spending time with this little lady is going to be great as we don't often get to see each other, not to mention all of the other great bloggers & friends i am beyond excited to meet/see! it's going to be a lovely week...the weather has been insanely nice too!