i added that strip of handpainted wallpaper today. it had been sitting in the box it was mailed to me in for months, never knowing where to put it! i don't know how i didn't think of this sooner...it's perfect for this room!
i bought these hodge-podge like doily frames in about 4 different shapes & sizes from value village one day and i just love them!! they make a great earring & necklace holder too :)
i might have a slight obsession...
photos from the our city lights custom calendar from 2010...once the year was over, i couldn't let those pretty photos go to waste!
i made that cute little bunting up there out of pretty floral bedsheets...and those teacup photos on the left were 50 cents each!
i'm sure you recognize that mirror from an outfit post or two...
got that little one at the kelowna airport...i can't say no to her!
remember those little critter books, where there was always a spider and a...something-or-other...shoot, what was it...anyway, there was always two little...things in the picture at all times. no? well anyways, i think you could play that game in my house (or for you, these photos) but with hello kitty...
i don't know if you remember but i made those curtains, was a pretty proud moment for me :)
my mum took that photo when she was in NYC for me (for obvious reasons) my favourite troll doll, he has a fortune in that pouch...a little bird that my friend meg gave me and some sunnies that mikey bought me thrifting. unfortunately he forgot to check to see if they had a prescription in them (they do...) they're fun to put on when you're drunk...or when you're not, to feel like you are!
a cupcake pin cushion that i won in a giveaway and a cute cupcake photo i made. i used to be so crafty...whatever happened to that? oh right, life.
my purse/bag closet...come to think of it, most are on the floor underneath...oops!
hello kitty from the H&M kids section, love them! so is the strawberry head one from the other photos...a lucky jackson print...oh, and me...HI!!
...i do...& i ♥ hello kitty too...incase you haven't noticed!
well, this is all rather embarassing...i have to...er, go...
side note: i googled the 'something-or-other' from the little critter books, it's a grasshopper...of course! i bet my mum knew the answer all along!