September 2, 2011

( feels like you're wearing nothing at all )

these photos are terribly blurry but i love this dress & got it on super sale at H&M for about $3 so i wanted to share it real quick...

it's really long but i kind of like that about it. i just haven't worn it outside yet since i don't want it to get all ruined and ripped at the bottom

isn't the floral pattern pretty? it reminds me of fall! which by the way, is nowhere near apparently. today is 24 degrees but is supposed to feel like 36....36!! EW! i want fall weather & i want it right now.......please.

also, i had a tattoo appointment a few days ago with teddy. he coloured in my owl (who we're still trying to think of a name for...i think he looks like a boy, personally)

these clearly aren't the greatest photos as i was trying to take it myself, just a little peek until he's all healed up. i still have the bottom part (below the roses) to colour as well. i love the way he's turning out though!!

i hope everyone has a great long weekend! i work tonight and tomorrow afternoon then i'm heading to toronto for the night, for a show!

ps: i'm feeling much better then i did yesterday, i think i needed that day off to recoup and relax!