i am getting sososo excited to move, 2o days...ahhh! that's so soon and we haven't even started packing yet. no one's been by for a showing of our apartment so maybe they've found new tenants? you'd think they'd let us know. i just want to wait til they rent it out before jamming the place full of boxes and making a moving-mess, ya know?
i am also super excited for my weekends off (duh...everyone knows this already) but i have some fun plans for the next few weekends...not too much going on this weekend, hopefully starting to pack and (try) to relax [i've been sooo stressy lately] also, make some more stuff for erin and i's etsy shop which is opening soonsoonsoon! we decided on a name and it is oh-so-cute! the following weekend i am going to visit my erika who is one of my bestest besties and i haven't seen her in over a year, ahhhh! it's nuts. the following weekend is flavour (the store my boyfriend is the assistant manager of) is having their ten year anniversary party so that should be fuuuun! the next weekend i am going home for a mutual famjam party which should be awesome cause my family are all party animals....eeee!! november is exciting. oh and between those days...moving time!