April 8, 2010

haha this is funny cause it's true!

yesterday was a good day money wise...i love those days (they don't happen often) but i recieved my gov't GST cheque in the mail (about $100) and then i got an email from my dad saying he got my taxes done & cha-ching, i won't give out the exact number but i was pretty impressed! money things usually make for a good day ♥ i love having my visa paid off & having a savings account for school...the more money i can save, the less i will have to get for a loan/pay off at a later date & that is a very good thing.

i was bummed because my work booked me saturday for a shift and i wasn't able to go home friday night like i wanted to, now it's saturday instead however i realized since we're home saturday we can still go out for a friends birthday in toronto. there will be 22 of us in a stretch hummer, awesoooome!! really looking forward to it :) & speaking of things i am looking forward to, i will be going home the last weekend in april as well because april 24th in toronto is the digital/major lazer show...and if that means nothing to you, it is pretty much an all night dance party with amazing djs playing! i missed the last one like this so i am super stoked about this one!!

anyway, that's a little update on me lately. i've also been watching what i eat lately, mikey and i had a 'challenge' going where i was going to cut out all junk food/bad food if he could cut out pizza & pasta (if you know mikey, this is pretty much impossible) anyway, it was...he didn't even last 24 hours...sooo i'm still doing this anyway as it was for me to begin with & i've felt pretty good not eating crappy foods and i want to see how it affects my body (i don't want to say i'm trying to lose weight because i'm happy with my weight, i would just like to tone up...annnd well ya, 5-10lbs wouldn't hurt) if there's any major changes i will let you know! i weighed/measured myself to see if there's any changes. so anyway, i haven't been doing much writing lately on here, mostly just photos of stuff i want/like so there's my weekly update!
happy thursday folks