last night mikey & i spent a quiet night in which was just what we both needed. i especially, had been going out a lot in the last little bit and doing lots of things so a quiet night watching UP was amazing. we made a delicious pasta dinner & then mikey chose UP for us to watch, it is embarassing how much that movie makes me cry. i am literally bawling within the first 10 minutes, that opening scene kills me...and then everytime he talks to ellie throughout the movie; gosh it's precious.
this morning i enjoyed a sleep in, til noon (haven't done that in awhile!) and the whole time little miss electric was sleeping above my head with her little paw on my hand, it was absolutely adorable & made me not want to get out of bed whatsoever...alas, there are 'to do' lists calling my name...lucky for me today is a rainy day and it's an excuse to stay inside and get lots of things done...