October 1, 2010

isn't my coffee cozy from glow in the dark soul super cute??
i won this on her last giveaway & love it.
you can get your own here; red or green depending on your fave apple!
do you like my scarf?
i bought it for $10 today at the army surplus store down the street from us. i think it's kind of neat that someone who was once in the army wore this at one point. i love things that have a history or a bit of a story that you can think of or make up...maybe that's why i love vintage things so much! also, remember those 4 simple goals from awhile back? one of mine was to try new things, this army green colour is new to me & i quite like it!

either next week or this weekend (if i find time between homework, work & outings) i will be doing another shop my closet sale as i've cleaned out my closet again & have more things for you guys! i may also start up the etsy again with whatever vintage items don't sell. there's some neat stuff so be sure to check back...