November 13, 2010

( around the house favourites )

i love...
our four large/tall windows (& the XO i painted & put in one of them) one is teal, the other is pink but the sun was bright so they look black.

the print above our bed...
isn't it amazing? i'm not even sure where my dad got it from. it's ooold and was always in our basement & i've always wanted it so when i moved out, he gave it to me :) it has lots of character to it when you see it up close. i also love the 'peace' and 'love' metal signs too, my mum gave me those!

mikeys beloved antlers.
we got these at an antique place for $20, amazing huh? now he's pushing for a full deer head, ack! that's where i draw the line.

my polaroid wall :)
SO many amazing photos from SO many great nights!
my vintage typewriter
thrifted for $10, i love the colour!
my apologies for the short, somewhat bland post. i've been busy working my bum off this weekend and work again tomorrow so i'm pretty exhausted. anyway, hope everyone's having a great weekend! i'm going to hang with friends & drink some beers now, kay bye!