December 24, 2010

( merry christmas )

first of all, i want to wish everyone a merry christmas (eve) & tomorrow a very merry christmas. i hope everyone gets to spend time with their families & friends and appreciates the reason for the season (which isn't jesus for me as i'm not religious) it's being with those that you love & spending time together.

secondly, did you guys notice the gorgeous update that teacups & bubble baths recieved?? it's all thanks liz over at she did a wonderful job of re-working teacups & bubble baths to be the beautiful blog i knew it could be, hehe. not only is she beautiful, she's super talented too. if you're looking for someone to make over your blog & to do it exactly how you want it, i highly recommend her. hop on over to her blog & check it out...also, be sure to add my new blog button to your page, i'll love you forever & a day.
also, i will be back to my regular bloggy self once the holidays are over. i've been nothing but busy since school ended.