yesterday was mikey & i's three year anniversary (as you all know) & he came home from work with some pretty orange flowers for me [the very first time i came to visit him, he had orange roses for me] so it was pretty cute that he bought orange flowers again [they were out of orange roses] and he wrote me the nicest card...i looove getting nice cards & letters :)
we went out for a loooovely dinner to a place called 'the original greek' i had never been to a greek restaurant before and oh my goodness, was it ever delicious!! we had some amazing appetizers and for our main course, we both had grilled calamari [wayyyy better than deep fried] mixed veggies & rice...oh & an expensive bottle of wine. it was nice to get dressed up & go out and treat ourselves.
today i was playing around with my camera again & took some more photos...
tomorrow i have some errands to run, some homework to do, a house that needs to be cleaned & a bag that needs to be packed. mikey & i are going up to my parents cottage this weekend [with my brother & his gf coming as well] for a family weekend. did you know that monday is family day? it is, so everyone has it off so we're going to spend some time together up at the cottage and i couldn't be happier. what a lovely weekend. then i have a 3 day school week and then CUBA!!! yippee :) lots of things to look forward to.
know what you guys have to look forward to?
5 new sponsors which means 5 giveaways in the upcoming weeks & even a repeat giveaway from dreamboat designs. rachel will be giving away another one of her gorgeous feathered headpieces! i will announce more possibly tomorrow...
get excited!!