so while i was downtown today i stopped into one of my favourite (but dangerous!) stores S.O.S to see my gal lianne & i decided to try on these bad boys by jeffrey campbell, just to be able to say i could...& i could! i walked, comfortably too. they look a lot more intimidating then they really are...your foot isn't even on that high of an incline if you look closely. it's a high heeled illusion. i was also like 6 feet tall. i felt pretty fantastic, not going to lie :)
i've been on the hunt for some great summer shoes & here's some shoesies i found on solestruck...just some wants-but-will-never-haves ;)

gosh i loooove clogs.
how badly do i want these on my feet for the summer? not $320 worth of badly, unfortunately...but by golly if someone handed me $320 right this instant, these are what i would spend it on.

and ooooh the perfect wedge...in my eyes
i love everything about the maddox by the shoe lord himself, mister jeffrey campbell...and...

okay i saved the best for last!!
i've never heard of joes before...but these shoes are called the brenda v, and my gosh i wish i was brenda v because i bet she was named after these pretties & therefore she probably owns a pair! aren't they unreal??
ps: i'm really sorry for all of these 'want' posts. i've been 'wanting' things so much lately. i think it's because i've put this no shopping rule on myself...it makes me want things 100x more!!

and ooooh the perfect wedge...in my eyes
i love everything about the maddox by the shoe lord himself, mister jeffrey campbell...and...

okay i saved the best for last!!
i've never heard of joes before...but these shoes are called the brenda v, and my gosh i wish i was brenda v because i bet she was named after these pretties & therefore she probably owns a pair! aren't they unreal??
ps: i'm really sorry for all of these 'want' posts. i've been 'wanting' things so much lately. i think it's because i've put this no shopping rule on myself...it makes me want things 100x more!!