still staying active: i will be continuing my personal training but also doing a 'rocktober arms challenge' through my trainer as well. i'm hoping to get those toned arms i've always dreamed of!
stay sane: as i said, i have to keep working at this one. i go to school full-time, have two jobs and am still somehow trying to maintain a social life. it gets tough at times.
get ahead in school: i hate falling behind. i'd much rather have things done far in advance and prior to the night before due date...this just means staying at the school longer (even when i don't have class) totally attainable.
not spending money on new clothes: lord knows i have enough clothes, i don't need anymore. i'm going on another consumer feels reallllly good having money in my savings account, way better than a new dress or top! which brings me to...
outfitting my current wardrobe in different ways: as i said, i have a lot of clothes...i need to start wearing it all and trying to pair up things i wouldn't normally to trick my brain into thinking that they're new pieces, haha.
i think that's all i'm going to do for now...i know some of those may seem silly to other people, but these are all things i need to work on and are good goals for me!