i've been super absent from blogworld over for almost a week & for that i apologize but i was too busy visiting with friends & family to spend time infront of the computer.
did everyone have a lovely christmas and holidays? mine was great! it was sooo nice to head home to my parents for almost a full week and meet up with friends i hadn't seen in awhile. i'll post some photos from my christmas in the next few days as well...
BUT! when i got home, this was waiting for me in my inbox:
isn't it adorable? it's me! katja from maedchenmitherz illustrated it for me from a giveaway i won on her blog! i think it's so great & i love that she (i'm) holding a little camera.
anyway, i haven't been home for a week so there's lots to do around the house, cleaning & putting away presents & such so i'll be back more in the next few days...hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!!
ps: the winner of the please note giveaway is the the darling ewe she also has an adorable etsy shop with lots of knitted goods!