December 4, 2011

style icon: kendi from kendi everyday

i can honestly say that the people i look up to for style advice or photos to save in my 'fashion inspiration' folder are not celebrities or even designers but fashion bloggers. these are real people who don't have stylists and who are wearing everyday brands, not mega expensive stuff and making it look good. one of my favourites is kendi from kendi everyday. my goodness this girl has it going ON! every single post i think "yup i'd totally wear that" or "i could put together a similar look with items from my own closet" and that my friends is what i like to get out of a fashion blog. i don't like being left thinking "i can never afford that" or "i will never look like that if i had that outfit on" i like real women with real jobs and real wallet i even making sense? gosh, i need sleep.

anyhow! here are some of my favourite looks put together by kendi:

isn't she gorgeous?