around the blogosphere...
i'm back with some awesome posts i saw today, the blogosphere was full of awesomeness tonight! thank you for filling my otherwise rather dull friday evening internet!
i want this to be my motto this year. it goes along with a lot of my 2013 goals so it only makes sense. also...#10 on kaits list (where this photo came from) so freaking cute...i've said it before, WWJRD? another motto of mine!
jamie posted this photo which i love. whenever you're taking the healthy route, why do people always assume you're on a diet?
just taking care of my bod, dudes.
kathleen has always been an inspiration to me. from her work ethic to her awesome hair, this girl is the raddest. yup, that's a word...and if it wasn't before, it is now. she's doing a raw denim challenge where she wears the same pair of denim for 6 months without washing them, challenging her to simplify her wardrobe and work with what she has & be creative! i love love love this idea...denim, especially raw denim only gets better with age, now if i could only find a pair i dig as much as hers! i also really, really, REALLY simplify my life and my wardrobe this year....really.
one day i hope my home is as cute as brandi & jacob's...i love the way they dress themselves & the way they style their home, amazing!
if every woman on the planet had even half of the confidence that this beauty does, the world would be a better place. honestly. not only does she brooch difficult to talk about subjects, she also has the confidence to post some pretty darn provocative photos...with confidence. one day i wish to have this confidence (maybe not the nudie photos on the internet part...but the part where i could...if i wanted to!)
care to share any awesomeness you've found lately?