the other day i woke up to one of my favourite things!
a package from thelovelyteaspoon
this one was sent with my teacup ring order, for free :) she's very nice like that..
i love getting packages in the mail. maybe that's why i prefer ordering online? makes sense.
so, yesterday was a horrible day, in many senses of the word. for one; it was a friday and i had to work until nine pm, two; ALL of my calls ('cept for maaaybe two) were one was nice yesterday, three; it rained, hard. by the time i got home, i ate dinner and was in bed an hour later...i also had to wake up for eight am this morning so i had a good long sleep last night to sleep off the bad feelings. today was great! worked from eight til five...people were nice today, the day went by quickly and all is good! waiting for mikey to come home so we can make dinner and hangout. tomorrow we have the day off together :D
another nice quiet weekend...hope everyone enjoys theirs!