i feel like i really got a lot accomplished today & wanted to share...
- had class from 9am-3pm
- switched into a new elective
(now class is done at 10am on fridays
& doesn't start again until 9am tuesday; amazing!
basically 4 day weekends...)
- got all of my laundry done with lianne
- picked up my keys for the new place
- made notes/measurements for new place
- made a list of things we need
- did a wee bit of shopping
- started to think about packing
...okay, that last one doesn't count, hehe.
i am oh-so-so-so excited to move! this weekend we are going to start packing & slowly moving things in as our landlord is the nicest man in the world and gave us the keys early as the other tenants are moved out, amazing. lianne and i ate subway on the floor of our (empty) dining room tonight and talked about ideas. i have never had so many ideas running through my head...my head actually hurts (okay, maybe that's just a regular headache but i swear it's from all of my thoughts) anywho, i'm dead tired but my long day & need to sleep. class tomorrow from 9-10 am and then i am looking forward to my semester long, long weekends. oh yippee-yi-oh-ki-yay! monday i am going to ikea with my dad, hurray!! dad hates ikea so wish me luck ;) ...love you dad!!
oh oh and mikey, myself, bryan & jess have exciting plans for reading week, oh holy heck i am excitedddd!!