hard work and dedication definitely pays off. yesterday i graduated from college with a diploma in executive office administration and to be honest, i never thought i'd attend a graduation for myself. after spending two years after high school at university and realizing it just wasn't for me, i got into the working world and never thought i'd find something that i wanted to go back to school for. one day when i was working a not-so enjoyable job at a call center, i woke up and realized i did not want to get sucked in and spend the rest of my life working a job i hated, and needed to make a change, immediately - so i did! i applied for a few different programs at fleming and got accepted to all of them. after realizing that office admin is a great start no matter what career i actually choose down the right, i enrolled. that was two years ago and yesterday i graduated.
to say i'm proud would be kind of an understatement. graduating at almost 26 definitely wasn't in my 'plan' but sometimes life has other plans for you and i'm so happy with the path i've chosen and the direction it's heading in...
my amazing gramma
mikey bought me those orange roses i'm holding, such a lovely guy i have!
i thought this was a neat shot my brother got, it was a beautiful sunny day!
my family ♥
i did it!!
my gramma took us out for dinner afterwards which was lovely - time to chat and catch up with everyone. i received some very generous gifts from my family, i am sooo very lucky!